Stowey Sutton Neighbourhood Plan

The background to neighbourhood planning

A neighbourhood plan provides a new way for local communities to influence the planning of the area in which they live and work.

Neighbourhood plans give communities more direct power to plan the development of their areas & can be used to:

  • Develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood
  • Set planning policies for development and land use
  • Encourage development of resources that the community needs

Neighbourhood plans are powerful planning tools for local communities, however they must be compliant with the districts core strategy as well as national planning targets & requirements.

It is important to understand that to be approved a neighbourhood plan must be pro-development, it cannot be used to prevent further home building, but it can be used to control & limit that development & help to ensure that it blends in with the existing character of the community.

Stowey Sutton Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result

384 YES
20 No
so the Neighbourhood Plan has been passed

Thank you all for voting

This is a 36% turnout, one of the highest turnout for a
Neighbourhood Plan Referendum (to date)

What a brilliant Community we all live in.

Thank you again to everyone who helped develop the plan, to everyone who responded to consultations & to everyone who voted.

The plan will now go to Bath and North East Somerset for Cabinet to formally adopt - in early September 2015.

Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Count

The completed neighbourhood plan

Click Here to view the completed plan on the B&NES website.